Hitachi Aircon Review


In this Hitachi Aircon Review we are going to talk about some of the reasons why you should or should not buy Hitachi Aircon. Do you know, Hitachi is the top 3 biggest electronics company in the world? Nonetheless, their dip into the electronics industry is still quite recent. Their company as a whole may not be that focus on consumer electronics as compared to other sectors. Let us take a look at why you should get Hitachi Aircon


3 reasons why you should get Hitachi Aircon







Frostwash Technology


Hitachi Aircon has this technology patented. This frostwash technology eliminates mould, dust and bacteria that has built up on the heat exchanger surface by trapping and freezing these particles in ice. Which melts and is then flushed out safety. Hence, we believe that with this patented technology there may be lesser need to service your Aircon. And the dirt that is trapped in the heat exchanger is frozen and melted out. Nevertheless, despite this, we are not sure if this will lead to excessive choking of the drainage pipe. We will need more reviews from Hitachi customers to get hold of this.


Brand power.

Hitachi as a company is a behemoth. It is one of the largest companies in the world. Hence, with this brand reputation we should have faith that their electronics products will not be that shabby. Afterall, this is a Japanese Multi national company. This is not a local Singapore company that oem their products from some factory in China and sell in the Singapore market. It is a highly legitimate brand and it deserves some confidence to their products


Awesome customer service centre.


It is fairly easy to reach out to Toshiba Aircon’s service centre for aftersales service. So fred not if your Toshiba faces any problem. Nevertheless, their service centre is managed by Johnson controls. Their contact number is 63192549.


3 reasons why you should not get Hitachi Aicon


It is extremely rare for a customer to request for Hitachi Aircon. 


After listening to our Aircon technicians that sell used Aircon to us. We realised that there are very little people that would ask for Hitachi Aircon. Their marketing presence in Singapore is relatively unheard of. Even when we try to ask about Hitachi Aircon in Gain city or courts. The salesman there try to push other products to us. They try to recommend us Mitsubishi electrics or even Midea Aircon. We don’t see Hitachi Aircon advertisements around as well. This lack of advertising may be worrying. As we may be worried about Hitachi’s commitment into the residential Air-conditioning market. Despite this, they have just manufactured a new series of Hitachi Aircon that is R32. Which means they are not about to give up anytime in the Market yet.



Lack of after market Aircon spare parts


We buy used Aircon from customers all over Singapore. Despite this, it is extremely rare for us to find customers selling us Hitachi Aircon. We dare say, out of 100 Aircon that we have collected, less than 1 of tem is Hitachi. That is less than 1 percent of the Aircon that we have collected. Hence, it will be extremely rare to find Hitachi Aircon spare parts in the future. 


Lack of Aircon technicians that are familiar with their product


Following up with the paragraph above. There are very little technicians that are familiar with Hitachi Aircon products. While servicing of Hitachi Aircon may not be an issue. It is extremely hard for you to find an Aircon servicing tecnhician that is capable of repairing Hitachi Aircon. This is in addition to not being able to find second hand Hitachi Aircon spare parts. Furthermore, if you try to purchase Aircon spare parts from Hitachi. They may be a waiting time. In Singapore’s hot weather. Sometimes, waiting for a month to get your Aircon repaired under warranty is simply not an option.


Conclusion of Hitachi Aircon review :


In conclusion, you may choose Hitachi Aircon simply because it is one of the biggest electronics company in the worth. It also has this patented frost wash technology that helps to get rid of bacteria from the heat exchanger. However, sale of Hitachi Aircon may be extremely rare in Singapore. And there may not be a lot of technicians that are familiar with Hitachi Aircon.


Other than Hitachi aircon REVIEW, if you are thinking of where to sell used Aircon in Singapore


You can sell it to us. We buy used Aircon ranging from system 2 to system 4. The price for Aircon buyback ranges from $80 – $300. That depends on the age and model of the Aircon. In fact, it is relatively easy to get a quote from us. Firstly, snap a picture of the indoor unit model for us. Step 2, let us know what system is this. Step 3 : let us know if this is in working condition or not. Last step : inform us if it will be dismantled or do you need us to dismantle instead. Do note that the Aircon buyback price will be very low if you need us to dismantle the Aircon.